Basketball Tour of a Lifetime

Many basketball fans in Australia follow the sport they love for years and years, watching the epitome of basketball — the NBA — from afar via their television screens and now the internet. A large percentage of them never get the opportunity to actually watch a live NBA game. That is miraculous really, when you think about it, given the devotion that a lot of these fanatics display.

Roger “Dodge” Taylor and Jeff Van Groningen (former GM of the Brisbane Bullets) want to offer fans the opportunity to change that, with their “Basketball Tour of a Lifetime.” The guided tour takes in seven NBA/NCAA games, including the Los Angeles Lakers, Denver Nuggets, Orlando Magic and Phoenix Suns. Not only that, there are other fun inclusions like Trump Towers in Las Vegas and Disneyland.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the tour, then click on the flyer above, or email Roger (roger[at]