todays warnings 2009 v5

Today’s NBA warnings come with a dose of other sports, for those with broader interests.

  • Recently, David Aldridge of fame (amongst other places) was kind enough to provide some time to the NBA blogosphere to answer some questions. It really is a quality Q&A with some great questions asked by many of the brightest minds in basketball blogging. I was fortunate enough to fly the A Stern Warning flag and ask David a question, which he graciously answered:

    13. Do you see a lockout as the most likely scenario in the summer of 2011 or is that just doomsday talk? Also, what do you see being the key changes that go through the renegotiations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement? (Mookie — A Stern Warning)

    DA: To the first question, unfortunately yes I do. The owners are really putting the doomsday scenarios out there with regard to going through another negotiation and are determined to work out a percentage of what players take from basketball and lower the income significantly. And so I think that’s going to be a major part of it. Right now the players get contractually 57 percent, but they obviously get more than that when you factor in bonuses and those things. And the owners are trying to get that to not only a 50-50 split but more of a split for the owners. They want more dollars than their players. I don’t know how hard the players are going to fight on that. I’d suspect the owners are going to try to reduce the number of years on contracts, it’s been kind of a steady drop, seven to six and I’m sure they’re going to try to get it down to five. I think that they will probably try to limit the maximum amounts, and this gets pretty complicated, the maximum amount that any player can get on a contract as a percentage of his team’s cap. So what they are going to try to do is make sure the guys who get the most money, LeBrons and Kobes and people like that, can’t get more than 30-35 percent of the team’s salary cap amount. They’re going to try to push on that. I think those are the areas where you will see them really try to be aggressive in getting something done.

    If possible, you should try to read all of the questions and answers at, as there are a lot of very pertinent topics in the current NBA landscape that are addressed.

  • Stepien Rules: Discussing the Cavaliers’ prospects as the trade deadline approaches.
  • Beyond the Beat: Wendell Maxey is a big enough man to admit when he has made a false prediction, this time in relation to the Trail Blazers making a trade (for Marcus Camby).
  • Stacheketball: In a piece I wrote for Stacheketball, I ask, is Kobe Bryant really the player of the decade?
  • Major League Jerk: Why Amar’e to the Cavs must happen.
  • GQ Magazine: A great Kobe Bryant feature (thanks to @CTK1 for pointing this out to me!)
  • The Baseline: Dennis Rodman belongs in the Hall of Fame. I certainly agree!

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