Jerome Williams Junkyard DogJerome Williams who was known as the “Junkyard Dog” during his career, is one of those players who has left the NBA and truly known what it means to give back to the community. We’ve heard some troubling stories, even in the past week, of former-NBA players such as Jayson Williams and Alvin Robertson being on the wrong side of the law. So it’s great to hear about the players who totally “get it.”

Guys like the JYD appreciate the gift an opportunity they have been afforded in living their lives as professional athletes, being paid amazing amounts of money to play a sport that many would play for much less. Williams played from 1996 to 2005 with the Pistons, Raptors, Bulls and Knicks and made his impact through hustle plays, defence and rebounding.

His JYD Project has a mission statement “to unify people of all nationalities in a collective effort to save our kids.” You can hear more about the project and what the Junkyard Dog is up to these days in this two-part video interview.