Gilbert Arenas PETA

I really bit my tongue when I received an email from the PR department of PETA, promoting the latest in their line of advertisements that previously featured Amar””e Stoudemire. I really felt bad for them. The timing could not be worse and I’m sure the PETA people know that, which is a real shame, as the work they do for the protection of animals is really important and noble.

With that in mind, I’m going to avoid any of the obvious connections to Arenas’ current gun-related situation and the resulting punchlines and try to focus on the message here from PETA: killing animals for their fur is not always the best course of action. Sure, if you’re struggling in the wild and need warmth, you go and kill an animal for their fur. If you’re walking the streets of Milan or Los Angeles, maybe you don’t REALLY need that fur coat.

“Foxes, coyotes, minks, rabbits—even cats and dogs—are bludgeoned, strangled, and genitally electrocuted in the name of fashion. To avoid damaging their pelts, workers even skin some animals alive.”

Read more on Arenas’ PETA shoot here.